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Why don't they just get it?!

We are now around 6 weeks into our academic year and I have been watching my lower 6th (Year 12) students very closely as they start their Computer Science A-levels. As with every year, around half get it and of the other half, 3 or 4 students out of a class of 20 just don't get it. The astute get the message and move to a different subject. The remaining stay, desperately searching Google for solutions on how to iterate through a string, printing every other character on the screen.

For context, I work at an inner city 6th form college in the heart of Manchester, UK. Only 10% of the students studying Computer Science are not from areas of significant economic and social disadvantage.

When I came into this project I was convinced that all I needed to do was to learn how to teach coding better (see the website title) but after reflecting carefully on my teaching so far, I am starting to think that the problem I face in the classroom is much bigger than I thought.

In the last week conversations with my students have discovered that some students don't know what a electrical motor is. One didn't know what a motorway was or how where they live is in proximity to a local motorway. These are 16 and 17 year old students. It is becoming clear to me that one of the problems I face as an educator is the fact that many of my students lack things most children take for advantage. They have no cultural capital. Why would you know what a motorway is if your parents don't drive and why would you know what a motor is if you didn't do it like I did in physics at school or be lucky enough to have parents who can afford to buy you a Lego motor as I did.

To this end, after a little research and careful reflection I have decided to employ the following strategies in my classroom whilst the students develop their understanding of coding.

  • Focus on subject specific keywords, using mini-tests to check understanding

  • Get students to work in pairs to verbally explain their understanding or coding to each other. With this in mind I plan to create a prompt sheet of questions that students can ask each other to hold each other to account and of course, extra points can be awarded if they use subject specific keywords.

  • I am going to try paired programming with two students working on one problem. They have had enough time to work out the basics so are now ready for something a bit more challenging. By working in pairs I hope they can console and motivate each other through the tough steps when you are just now quite sure what you are doing.

When I started this site, I was convinced it was about teaching and learning. I now find myself looking to understand the factors that motivate or challenge students from disadvantaged backgrounds. Watch this space!



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How to Teach Coding
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